2024-02-26, 11:59 PM | #1 |
註冊日期: 2007-11-12
文章: 2,734
# Replace `INSERT_YOUR_ID` with a nickname you choose
# Copy all of the lines below, they are all part of the same command .\subspace-node-windows-x86_64-skylake-gemini-3h-2024-mar-11.exe ` run ` --chain gemini-3h ` --base-path C:\subspace ` --farmer ` --name "test" |
2024-02-27, 12:02 AM | #2 |
註冊日期: 2007-11-12
文章: 2,734
# Replace `PATH_TO_FARM` with location where you want you store plot files
# Replace `WALLET_ADDRESS` below with your account address from Polkadot.js wallet # Replace `PLOT_SIZE` with plot size in gigabytes or terabytes, for example 100G or 2T (but leave at least 60G of disk space for node and some for OS) .\subspace-farmer-windows-x86_64-skylake-gemini-3h-2024-mar-11.exe farm --reward-address st8ubNFzgLLvNiX3Njfnus7G1pFoFoSoDVGwKdBG4f63hGSYB path=E:\subspacea,size=500G |
2024-02-27, 12:05 AM | #3 |
註冊日期: 2007-11-12
文章: 2,734
office new
# Replace `PATH_TO_FARM` with location where you want you store plot files
# Replace `WALLET_ADDRESS` below with your account address from Polkadot.js wallet # Replace `PLOT_SIZE` with plot size in gigabytes or terabytes, for example 100G or 2T (but leave at least 60G of disk space for node and some for OS) .\subspace-farmer-windows-x86_64-skylake-gemini-3h-2024-mar-11.exe farm --reward-address st8ubNFzgLLvNiX3Njfnus7G1pFoFoSoDVGwKdBG4f63hGSYB path=d:\subspace,size=500G path=f:\usbspace,size=920G |
2024-03-09, 05:36 PM | #4 |
註冊日期: 2007-11-12
文章: 2,734
./FARMER_FILE_NAME farm --reward-address WALLET_ADDRESS \
path=/media/ssd1,size=100GiB \ path=/media/ssd2,size=10T \ path=/media/ssd3,size=10T |